Project Square
Project Square is an open education initiative that makes it easy and fun for educators to bring computational thinking into the classroom, beyond the screens. Developed in an interdisciplinary setting together with researchers, entrepreneurs and educators, it is based on frameworks and research evidence from the science of learning.
The toolkit, designed to be used in group activities in class, is made of simple materials which are easy reproducible in any school. It comes with a set of exercises and activities built on the most fundamental comcept of computation like sequences, algorithms and conditions.
From the beginning we wanted the kit to be a platform able to support educators in ideatining developing, and sharing new activities with a wider network. Because of this, from the beginning of the process we tried to involved in our process as many educators, technology experts and kids as possible. At each iterations we ran several creative sessions to evaluate our design and ideate new activities.
The Square playful learning starter kit is released under the Creative Commons License, CC BY-NC-SA, allowing anyone to use, adapt and distribute its contents non-commercially by mentioning Project Square, and We Are Play Lab Foundation,
The materials have been designed to be expanded and extended by the teachers and the community of contributors who would like to create their own activities. Anybody can encode new rules following the activities format and submit them to the Square team. After submission, the new activity will be validated and will become part of the Square community Playbook.
Check to submit your activity or join the Square educators community of practice to discover and get inspired by activities other educators are creating everyday in their classrooms.